Question to a cosmetologist: how to restore skin after winter? » BeautyPlace - Женский журнал
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» » Question to a cosmetologist: how to restore skin after winter?
Question to a cosmetologist: how to restore skin after winter?
How to prolong the youth of your facial skin as long as possible without injections? Is massage really effective in fighting the signs of aging? How to restore skin after winter? Olga Ganenko, a cosmetologist at the Butterfly of London hardware cosmetology clinic, answers these and other questions.
Olga Ganenko
Olga Ganenko
Cosmetology is a developing field that does not stand still. What trends in this area can you identify?
In the era of virtual masks and photo correction apps, there is no problem in looking great in pictures and videos. But the reflection in the mirror is not always pleasing, and sometimes it is very different from the ideal shots on social networks. Therefore, the latest trend is primarily health and natural beauty.
People definitely miss “hands on” and the feeling of complete relaxation. Therefore, in our procedures we quite often combine modern hardware cosmetology, which has an indisputable future, with classical massage techniques. Immersing the client in a state of relaxation is one of the main goals of Butterfly of London.
It is important to understand that ensuring comfort is not just an addition to a cosmetic procedure - it is an integral part of it. Relieving stress is an important condition for improving the quality of cosmetological effects. From nerves and regular stress, the skin gets tired, withers, loses freshness, and vice versa - the skin of a person who is in harmony with himself glows with health.
how to prepare your skin for spring
Nowadays, many girls have a trend for Botox. What do you have to say about this? What is necessary in order to preserve natural beauty for as long as possible? What care is required for this?
Botox fills wrinkles from the inside, but not everything is so simple: injections are an intervention in the coordinated functioning of the body's systems. Although tools and technologies are improving, there is always the possibility of allergies and drug rejection.
To remove wrinkles, you don't have to inject Botox. A qualified specialist will help you choose exactly the procedure and care that is right for you, because at the moment there are a huge number of effective alternatives in cosmetology. Also pay attention to a few tips that prevent the aging process and worsening wrinkles.
how to prepare your skin for spring
Stop smoking
This habit provokes ptosis of the lower part of the face: the corners of the lips droop, nasolabial folds and wrinkles appear in the mouth area. Not to mention that smoking negatively affects the overall condition of the skin.
Healthy sleep
The skin around the eyes is very thin and reacts to any changes in lifestyle. Constant lack of sleep leads to the early appearance of crow's feet and facial wrinkles around the eyes.
Watch your facial expressions
Active facial expressions are great, but they are one of the main causes of wrinkles. You don’t have to give up a smile on your face, but you can get rid of the habit of constantly frowning.
how to prepare your skin for spring
Choose the right procedures
Each of us has our own skin type, habits and lifestyle. Therefore, procedures need to be selected individually, together with a cosmetologist. This will not only help prevent wrinkles, but also save time and money.
High-quality and individually selected care at home.
Skin diagnostics at Butterfly of London allows you to select professional care using computer testing of the skin at a deep level. Based on the data obtained, the device determines which products will be effective for the skin and will solve a specific problem.

Is massage really effective in fighting the signs of aging?
Manual massage is a very effective procedure! But a lot depends on the specialist and the chosen technique. Massage can quickly reduce swelling, tighten the oval, smooth out wrinkles and even out the tone of the face. The procedure is painless, suitable for men and women and allows you to see the result after the first session.
The Butterfly Clinic of London will be happy to introduce you to the unique proprietary technique of endobuccal fitness massage, the effectiveness of which you will be delighted with. Our particle team has gathered experience from around the world to provide the most effective massage techniques.
how to prepare your skin for spring
How to restore skin after winter?
First of all, exfoliation is important in order to renew the skin (removal of the upper stratum corneum). Exfoliating products help the natural progression of cellular turnover. Smooth skin accepts care products better and they penetrate inside faster, because the next important step in post-winter care is skin hydration.
After winter, the skin becomes dry and irritated, reacting to heating of all types. When switching from winter to summer cosmetics, you need to select products according to your skin condition. It is worth giving preference to lighter textures of creams with antioxidants.
Share the TOP rules for skin care in spring.
Many people think that it is too early to use SPF protection, because solar exposure in the spring is not yet so active. But this is
Добавил Admin 14-02-2024, 17:06 Просмотров: 53 702