Материалы за Август 2024 года » BeautyPlace - Женский журнал
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» Материалы за Август 2024 года

26-08-2024, 10:44 Admin 291
Luxury should remain inaccessible: this is what Chanel believes. The brand's management decided to limit the number of bags sold per person. Now the buyer will be able to purchase only one bag per year. Why? Find out in our material.
26-08-2024, 10:44 Admin 306
Over the past few years, especially after the boom in Vita Kin embroidered dresses and blouses in the West, we have become accustomed to the fact that embroidered shirts have become part of the wardrobe of an ordinary city dweller. It easily fits into the capital’s exterior, because the beauty of
26-08-2024, 10:44 Admin 565
Every woman dreams of a toned and beautiful body, so many are constantly looking for effective non-invasive procedures that will help improve their figure.
26-08-2024, 10:44 Admin 765
A jump rope is a sports attribute that is familiar to us from school physical education lessons. If at school you avoided practicing with a jump rope, then it was in vain. And we suggest you make up for lost time over the years and come to your senses, armed with a jump rope.
26-08-2024, 10:44 Admin 596
There are many causes of redness in the whites of the eyes. If the process is not accompanied by pain, most likely the problem can be solved at home. Read about the most common causes of eye redness and methods for eliminating them in our material.
The hormone of youth is, of course, not a medical term. However, this does not mean that they have a speculative and implausible status. Indeed, there are several special substances that help preserve our beauty for many years. Moreover, most of them can be obtained simply by... having the right