Are breasts the true face of a woman? How to determine character by bust shape » BeautyPlace - Женский журнал
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» » Are breasts the true face of a woman? How to determine character by bust shape

Are breasts the true face of a woman? How to determine character by bust shape
We know very well that the character of each person is individual and is not revealed immediately. Sometimes it happens that cuties in appearance actually turn out to be bitches, and vice versa. However, personal qualities can be judged not only after prolonged communication, but also by contacting such specialists as palmists and physiognomists. And if the first experts most often consult in person (sometimes the lines on the palm need to be examined almost under a magnifying glass), then the second ones can easily give the most accurate forecast, relying only on a photo.
It turns out that personality type can also be determined... by the shape of the breasts. At least such experiments were carried out in Spain and Japan in the Middle Ages.
The method even has its own name - sternomancy, which comes from the Greek word “sternon” (“breast” translated into Russian). True, today this business is not dealt with professionally.

By the way, scientists have long been talking about the connection between bust size and level of intelligence. A couple of years ago, researchers from the University of Chicago found that women with large breasts have an IQ at least ten points higher than women with smaller breasts.
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Acaci hydrogel mask-patches for elasticity and beauty of the bust
Acaci hydrogel patch masks for elasticity and beauty of the bust Find out the price Do you want to know what else the shape and size of the bust can tell about a woman? Then read our material and write in the comments if your character is similar to the one described.
Are breasts the true face of a woman? How to determine character by bust shape

Breasts, shaped like lemons, are symmetrical and small in size. Owners of such a bust, as a rule, strive for independence and are not at all afraid to stand out from the crowd. They like to deviate from generally accepted patterns and do things their own way. It is believed that women with such a bust are independent and do not need a lot of company. They are not particularly bothered by loneliness: on the contrary, they are glad to have the opportunity to be alone with their thoughts, listen to their favorite music or read a book.
Are breasts the true face of a woman? How to determine character by bust shape

The pear-shaped chest is cone-shaped and relatively large - it has a narrow base and a full-bodied lower part. Owners of such a bust are considered very sensual people. They know what they want and always go towards their goal. These women value independence and remain optimistic in difficult situations.
But be careful: they are easy to anger! At such moments, they often say things that they later regret. However, anyone can find themselves in a similar position, regardless of the shape and size of the mammary glands.
Are breasts the true face of a woman? How to determine character by bust shape

The breasts, which are called “peach”, are small in size and round in shape. True, there is one special feature - she, as a rule, has rather large nipples. The owners of such a bust try to avoid conflicts, sometimes sacrificing their own interests. They are convinced altruists, ready to give their last. At the same time, they cannot be called boring: these women are sociable, hospitable and generally easy-going.
Are breasts the true face of a woman? How to determine character by bust shape

The melon-shaped bust is characterized by a round shape and quite large dimensions. In addition to this, there is another feature: the mammary glands are slightly spaced apart. The mistresses of such “wealth” are very diplomatic and friendly by nature. They are always ready to help, listen to their friends’ problems and share advice like a mother.
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