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» » World Health Day: simple tips to improve your health
World Health Day: simple tips to improve your health
There are many different ways to improve and maintain your health. In honor of World Health Day, which is celebrated on April 7th every year, we've put together 10 simple yet time-tested tips to help you live a happy, healthy life.
Eat a healthy and balanced diet
Food is the fuel that helps your body stay strong and functional. But it can also be a poison that slowly destroys and incapacitates you. It all depends not only on what you eat, but also on how much and how often you eat it.
There is a common misconception that fruits and vegetables are the only components of a healthy diet. Without a doubt, they are very important, but there are other useful products. In fact, a healthy diet is a balance between key food groups, which also includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
While eating a balanced, healthy diet, it is also important to avoid unhealthy processed foods. It fills your body with unhealthy toxins and excess fat. So swap out the slice of pizza and soda for a casserole or steamed dish.
Stay active
active girl
Exercise not only helps your body, but also your mind and has many benefits. These include maintaining a healthy weight level, as well as improving mental health and cognitive function. Regular exercise also helps strengthen muscles, joints and bones, which is important regardless of age.
When it comes to exercise, you should make a conscious effort to exercise three or four times a week. To exercise regularly, choose activities that you really enjoy. This could be yoga, walking, swimming, etc.
Also, try to walk to work or get off public transport a couple of stops away. Little tricks like taking the stairs instead of the elevator will also help. And don't forget about gardening and housework.
Avoid stress
Research has shown that unmanaged stress and depression can actually manifest as physical illnesses. One way is through decreased immunity. So, learning how to cope with stress is the first thing you need to do.
There are many ways to deal with stress:
Physical exercise. This is mainly due to the release of endorphins, which are essentially the brain's "happy hormones".
Meditation and other practices to calm the mind. It could also be long, relaxing baths, a massage, or buying a massage chair for home - anything that will help you relax.
Professional help. Sometimes it takes a little more willpower to solve your problem. So consider seeing a therapist if it's too difficult to deal with.
Improve your sleep quality
Sleep is an autonomous state that allows the body to rest and recover, preparing for the next day. Your task here is simply not to interfere. Let your body do its thing for you.
According to the Sleep Foundation, a teenager should get 8-10 hours of sleep, adults ages 18 to 64 should get 7-9 hours, and people over 65 need at least 7-8 hours.
It is also important to monitor the quality of your sleep. Avoid coffee, energy drinks, or other brain stimulants that may interfere with your sleep. It is also important that your sleeping area is as quiet and comfortable as possible.
Maintain Social Relationships
Another highly effective way to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle is by investing in relationships. Yes, love and friendship will help you gain and maintain health!
Social interaction and strong relationships help your mental health just as much as exercise does your body. In addition to endorphins, time spent with loved ones can increase adrenaline and oxytocin levels. These biochemicals help improve your mood and overall health.
So call a friend, spend time with your family and meet new people. This will really help.
Keep your brain active and healthy
They say that the brain, like a muscle, needs constant exercise to stay strong. This is true! The central nervous system controls everything in your body, from digestion and absorption of food to movement and even breathing. The brain is at the very center of this complex connection and therefore needs extra care.
Brain training can improve alertness, concentration, memory, and even problem-solving ability.
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One way to keep your brain healthy is to give it its favorite foods. These include healthy fats such as omega-3s, vitamins, minerals and, of course, water. Also don't forget to read books or solve puzzles.
Reduce your alcohol intake
It has been proven that there is nothing more dangerous for the human body
Добавил Admin 22-04-2024, 11:30 Просмотров: 51 610